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Graduate Students

Regina Brodell

Regina is a clinical psychology Ph.D. student. She received her B.A. from UCLA in Human Biology and Society. Upon graduating, she joined the team at the Nathanson Family Resilience Center and worked on two primary projects: CRRF (a school-based project centered on promoting the resilience and well-being of LAUSD staff, students, and families) and FOCUS-EC (a study assessing the effectiveness of a resilience based program among military families). She also assisted with a qualitative study at UCLA TIES for Families, centered on understanding children’s pre-adoptive history and the development of adoptees into young adulthood.

Her current research interests include studying the impact of trauma among at-risk and justice involved adolescents, as well as foster youth populations and identifying protective factors and/or interventions that may differ the effects of early life adversity. She is also interested on school-based interventions that are centered on promoting resilience.

Outside of research, she loves trail running, jiu-jitsu and spending time with all the little ones in her family.

Representative Papers

Sheerin, K.M., Brodell, R., Huey, S.J., Jr., & Kemp, K.A. (2023). Applying ecological systems theory to juvenile legal system interventions outcomes research: A measurement framework. Frontiers in Psychology, 17. VIEW

Adrelys Mateo Santana

Adrelys is a graduate student in the clinical science program at USC. She received her B.S. in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts – Amherst (UMass). Upon graduating, she worked as a Laboratory Coordinator for the Self-regulation, Emotions, and Early Development (SEED Lab) at UMass. In her position as a Lab Coordinator, Adrelys managed a National Institute of Mental Health funded study examining the cross-diagnostic symptoms of early childhood psychopathology and emotional functioning via neurobiological and behavioral metrics.

Adrelys’ line of research has three primary aims: (1) understand the developmental consequences of early adverse experiences in racial-ethnic minoritized youth; (2) examine how structural inequities (e.g., structural racism) further exacerbate the harmful impact of early adverse experiences in youth’s development; and (3) elucidate culturally-responsive protective factors. She hopes to use this information to inform policy and bridge the gap in mental health access for historically marginalized communities.

Outside of research, Adrelys loves hiking, the beach, going out to trendy brunch spots, and listening to podcasts!

Representative papers

Note: Due to differences across journals, one of my last names (Mateo) has sometimes been abbreviated, hence the name inconsistencies found below.

Santana, A.M., Rudrabhatla, A., & Galán, C.A. (2022). Moving towards intersectional, vicarious, and strengths-based conceptualizations of online racial discrimination. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 62(1), 22-24. VIEW

Mateo Santana, A., & Grabell, A.S. (2022). Incongruent affect in early childhood: Neurobiological markers and links to psychopathology. Emotion. Advance online publication. VIEW

Kalanadhabhatta, M., Santana, A.M., Zhang, Z., Ganesan, D., Grabell, A.S., & Rahman, T. (2022). EarlyScreen: Multi-scale instance fusion for predicting neural activation and psychopathology in preschool children. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies. 6(2), 1-39. VIDEO

Emily Satinsky

Emily is a graduate student in the clinical science program, and is co-mentored by Drs. Stanley Huey and Chardée Galán. Emily’s research centers on better understanding environmental and social influences on mental health and increasing access to mental health care for culturally diverse and historically oppressed communities. Throughout her research, Emily is dedicated to community engagement and using qualitative methods to inform the development and adaptation of culturally-relevant interventions. Broadly, Emily is interested in the long-term consequences of early adversity on mental health, peer support, and the impact of individuals’ social networks and norm perceptions on their own behaviors.

Prior to starting at USC, Emily coordinated a population-based longitudinal social network study in rural Uganda with Massachusetts General Hospital’s Center for Global Health and researched peer-delivered interventions for substance use in Baltimore and South Africa with the University of Maryland’s Global Mental Health and Addiction Program. She has also worked at a mental health non-profit in London and as an AmeriCorps volunteer at an elementary school in San Francisco. Emily graduated with her Bachelor’s in Biology and Society from Cornell University and her Master’s in Global Mental Health from King’s College London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Outside of research, Emily enjoys various outdoor activities, drawing, watching videos of cuttlefish, and picking blueberries – among many other things!

Representative papers

Satinsky, E.N., Kimura, T., Kiang, M.V., Abebe, R., Cunningham, S., Lee, H., Lin, X., Liu, C.H., Rudan, I., Sen, S., Tomlinson, M., Yaver, M., & Tsai, A.C. (2021). Systematic review and meta- analysis of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation among Ph.D. students. Scientific Reports, 11(14370). VIEW

Satinsky E.N., Kakuhikire, B., Baguma, C., Rasmussen, J.D., Ashaba, S., Cooper-Vince, C.E., Perkins, J.M., Kiconco, A., Namara, E., Bangsberg, D.R., & Tsai, A.C. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences, adult depression, and suicidal ideation in rural Uganda: A cross-sectional, population-based study. PLoS Medicine, 18(5), e1003642. VIEW

Kakuhikire, B., Satinsky, E.N., Baguma, C., Rasmussen, J.D., Perkins, J.M., Gumisiriza, P., Juliet, M., Ayebare, P., Mushavi, R.C., Burns, B.F.O, Siedner, M.J., Bangsberg, D.R., & Tsai, A.C. (2021) Correlates of attendance at community engagement meetings held in advance of bio-behavioral research studies: A longitudinal, sociocentric social network study in rural Uganda. PLoS Medicine, 18(7), e1003705. VIEW

Satinsky, E.N., Doran, K., Felton, J.W., Kleinman, M., Dean, D., & Magidson, J.F. (2020). Adapting a peer recovery coach-delivered behavioral activation intervention for problematic substance use in a medically underserved community in Baltimore City. PLoS One, 15(1), e0228084. VIEW

Elayne Zhou

Elayne is a Ph.D. student in the Clinical Science program. She received her B.A. from Oberlin College in 2018. Post-graduation, she worked at the Kids Interaction and NeuroDevelopment Lab at the University of California, Riverside for two years. Then, she moved to Chicago to work at the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine at the M-Body lab.

Elayne is passionate about using community-based participatory methods with underserved populations to advance health equity. With a specific focus on youth and families of color, she studies the influence of social, cultural, and structural factors on mental health outcomes. In her work, she aims to develop, implement, and facilitate the widespread adoption of culturally responsive treatments within accessible community settings. Her ultimate goal is to promote holistic flourishing for groups that have been historically oppressed, with a focus on dismantling barriers to quality care.

Elayne is the daughter of immigrants from the Anhui province of China. In her free time, Elayne loves to sing, throw pottery, kickbox, practice yoga, hike, and hanging out with her partner and cats.

Representative papers

Mullins, J. L, Zhou, E., & Michalska, K. J. (2023). Parental empathic accuracy and posttraumatic growth promote Latina girls’ affective empathy and altruistic sharing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Psychology, 54, 1-2. VIEW

Burnett-Zeigler, I., Zhou, E., Martinez, J. H., Zumpf, K., Lartey, L., Moskowitz, J. T., Wisner, K. L., McDade, T., Brown, C. H., Gollan, J., Ciolino, J. D., Schauer, J. M., & Petito, L. C. (2023). Comparative effectiveness of a mindfulness-based intervention (M-Body) on depressive symptoms: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). Trials, 24(1), 115. VIEW

Zhou, E., Kyeong, Y., Cheung, C.S.S., & Michalska, K.J. (2021). Cultural values influence mental health attitudes and help-seeking among Asian and Latinx college students. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. VIEW