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Undergraduate Research Assistants

Undergraduate Research Assistants

In our lab, we focus primarily on evidence-based interventions targeting mental health problems, criminal justice issues, and other social problems (e.g., sexism). We also have a broad interest in mental health issues and interventions with ethnic minority populations.

If you are an undergraduate student interested in volunteering as a research assistant, please email the following information to [email protected]: your resume, your GPA, your research interests, and a brief statement indicating why you are interested in our lab. Please use “Undergraduate Research” in the subject heading.

As a research assistant, you would work on one or more of our current research projects. Your involvement might include running participants, preparing materials for ongoing studies, entering and checking data, coding therapy sessions or other data, analyzing data, or conducting literature searches. Note that research assistants are not paid for their involvement – they volunteer their time or earn course credit (e.g., Psych 490). We typically require that research assistants make a 10-12 hour commitment per week.

Be advised that Dr. Huey prefers that students spend at least a semester volunteering in his lab before he agrees to serve as their honors thesis advisor.